

Frequently Asked Questions

A: If you’re craving something sweet and need a snack to satisfy your sweet tooth, then a bowl full of nutritious and healthy Panjiri recipe can be a great option. Panjiri, also referred to as ‘dabra,’ is a north Indian dish that forms a quintessential part of the winter food.

This classic winter dish is prepared by roasting flour and semolina in ghee and is finished off with loads of healthy nuts and spices.  

Panjiri is one of the heirloom recipes of our times that can be considered a family treasure. It has been passed down from generations that hold special memories of the precious moments!

The memories of my mother and grandmother preparing the Panjiri and we, as kids, relishing every bit of it, still hold an extraordinary place in my heart, and they always will.

Panjiri is especially a winter delicacy that is loaded with health and deliciousness that renders you addicted.

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